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Term of Council 2023 to 2026

New Corporate Strategic Plan

We are pleased to share that our new Scugog Corporate Strategic plan has been finalized. The Corporate Strategic plan is an important document that guides Council and staff on the allocation of resources for projects and initiatives over the term of Council.

The process to update the Corporate Strategic Plan began in June 2022. With Council approval, staff proceeded to action the following items to develop the plan:

  • Develop Request for Quotation (RFQ) for consultant to assist with facilitating the new plan. Advertise and award the contract.
  • Work with the consultant to develop the survey questions, staff consultations, stakeholder engagement, public engagement sessions all were actioned over the fall 2022.
  • December the feedback to date was presented to Council and with the team a draft plan was developed.
  • January 2023 a presentation was made that provided a draft plan to Council.
  • Spring 2023 staff reviewed the draft plan with the public to check in make sure it met expectations:  You Shared - We Listened.
  • Engaged a designer to develop a Corporate Strategic Plan document– accessible for the website along with copies that can be shared with the community at our facilities.
  • June 2023, Staff reported back to Council with a positive response from the community regarding the plan.

Throughout the process of developing the Corporate Strategic Plan a key aspect for Council and the staff team leading this project has been to engage the community on each step of the plan. Mayor Wotten, Township of Scugog shared “I am very pleased to present the Corporate Strategic Plan for this term of Council. As a guide for Council and staff it will help to focus important resources for the Township of Scugog. Throughout the update process I am proud that we engaged the community, stakeholders, staff and my fellow members of Council. The community was involved to form this plan and I am pleased to see our Strategic Planning processing grow. On behalf of Council, thank you for assisting with this critical work for the Township. Council now looks forward to reports on the progress of the plan and on achieving the goals and objectives outlined.“

The Corporate Strategic Plan will be featured in the October 2023 edition of Focus on Scugog publication. A digital copy of the plan is available at


Media Contact: Lisa Fitton, Manager Office of the Mayor, CAO & Strategic Initiatives, Township of Scugog
905.985.7346 ext. 116,


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